Thursday, January 24, 2008


Borda is no more. Baba rang me up saying Borda had a stroke yesterday afternoon. I rang up Tublu and he is not yet sure if it was a brain stroke or not.

Borda or Shankarda, was my cousin brother, aged around 60. He was of medium height, dark complexion and wore glasses. He was a good man. Life has been hard on him though, he struggled a lot in his earlier years, is survived by two sons, Tublu and Piklu. Though nephews by relation, we grew up as brothers.

Whenever I used to come to Kolkata on holidays, I used to be with them, in the club playing carrom, or cricket. Or sometimes just do adda. Have wild times in the pukur (pond). Come back to mama-bari (uncle's house) in the afternoon, and there would be borda. He used to be there, always. Kept a watch on us. Always.

I still can't believe he is no more. He was a good man. Passed away so suddenly. I just hope he is in peace, wherever he is....

1 comment:

ifs and buts said...

Though 've never been to West Bengal, reading this gave me a chunk of bengal to relate to. Sad to hear about your cousin, dada. Keep blogging...